C3, we are so pleased that some of you are joining us this week, Monday-Friday, August 9-13, from 6:30 am to 7:15 am at the Baxter Regional Medical Center parking lot to pray. Others have asked what they can do if they aren't able to pray in the parking lot with the rest. And the answer is...you can pray wherever you are! At home, at work, during your quiet time... just take the time to talk to the Lord and pray. Here are some suggestions of what to pray for, though feel free to add your own ideas, as well.
Pray for:
· Frontline workers at Baxter Regional Medical Center· COVID patients and their families
· Families who have lost loved ones
· Baxter Regional Administrators and Dept Heads
· Getting our community fully vaccinated
· The families of our tired frontline workers
· The safety of the unvaccinated
· The safety of our children
· School teachers and administrators
· The school year
· Our local businesses effected by the pandemic
· Our elected officials; local, state, and federal
And it doesn't just have to be during our designated time on Monday. When you can throughout the week, remember to lift these up in prayer.
1 Timothy 2:1 (KJV) - "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men"