No Wednesday Night Activities This Week
Due to Spring Break, there will be no dinner, classes, or AMPED this Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
Due to Spring Break, there will be no dinner, classes, or AMPED this Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
In case you’d like to give to the church, there are TWO easy ways to give: one online, and one in person.
Join us for Easter Sunday! And we’ll be having baptisms as well!
Please sign up for baptism class, which will be held on Sunday, April 6th after the morning worship service.
Hear the worship team and senior pastor Robert Wiesner this Sunday at 10 am!
If you arrive before the service, the C3 Cafe will be serving coffee, tea, and all sorts of goodies!
Hope to see you on Sunday!
Wednesday night activities - check them out!
Come eat with us in the C3 Cafe at 5 pm and classes for all ages start at 6 pm. Hope to see you this Wednesday!
Join us Wednesday for our C3 Wednesday night events!
We’re having BBQ chicken this week!
Food starts at 5 pm and classes start at 6 pm and run to 7:30 pm.
Hope to see you there!
Come worship with us on Sunday, March 2 at C3. Arrive early, enjoy breakfast snacks, and drinks before the service, and then stay for music, preaching, and more!
Service begins at 10 am.
Come hear Pastor Robert and the worship team lead this Sunday morning’s worship service at 10 am at C3.
Come worship with us this next Sunday, February 16th at C3. Arrive early and enjoy some breakfast snacks and drinks before the service, and then stay for music, preaching, and more!
Service begins at 10 am. Hope to see you!
Sunday morning worship at C3 starts at 10 am, though if you arrive a bit early you can get refreshments and food in the C3 Cafe.
Come hear the worship team and the sermon delivered by Pastor Robert.
See you there!
Join us at 10 am on Sunday, February 2nd as Pastor Robert starts a new sermon series on John. Hope to see you at C3 this Sunday!
Check out C3’s Wednesday night events!
Food at 5 pm and classes at 6 pm for all ages!
See you there!
The final Sunday of 2024 is here! Join us in person or online at 10 a.m. for our Sunday morning worship service. There will be food and fellowship, the praise team, and a message. Hope to see you Sunday!
Celebrate Christmas with C3 this year! Come on Tuesday, December 24th at 5:30 p.m. for a special Christmas Eve service!
Join us in person or online at 10 am this Sunday, December 22nd at C3.
Come early and grab a bite to eat in the C3 Cafe and enjoy some fellowship. Then listen to our music and a sermon on the Advent season. We’d love to have you join us!
Join for another entry in our Advent series this Sunday at 10 am at C3!
Hope to see you at C3!
No Wednesday night events this week. Enjoy your time with family and friends and have a great Thanksgiving!
Join us Wednesday for our C3 Wednesday night events!
Food starts at 5 pm and classes start at 6 pm and run to 7:30 pm for all ages!
Hope to see you there!
Help with Operation Christmas Child by following the link below: The C3 goal is 100 physical shoeboxes, which are due back on November 17th.
Operation Christmas Child | Shoebox Outreach of Samaritan’s Purse (samaritanspurse.org)
Join us on Sunday, November 10th in person or online at 10 am for a Sunday morning worship service. Come early for some great food and fellowship in the C3 Cafe.
Join us on this first Wednesday of November for a mid-week boost!
Grab a meal at 5 pm, and then attend life groups, Amped, Kids Life, and so on at 6 pm. See you at C3!
Right after church service on Sunday, August 11th, join Pastor Robert for lunch and then a class that teaches you all about C3.
Sign up for the class in the church foyer or at c3andme@gmail.com
Good morning! Pastor Emeritus David Johnson will be preaching this week, so please join us in person at 10 am (or on YouTube or Facebook) for our Sunday morning worship service.
Hope to see you here!
Come eat, study, and learn at C3 on Wednesdays!
5 pm dinner start time, and 6 pm life group and Amped for students!
Join us on Wednesday for our C3 Wednesday night activities!
Food starts at 5 pm and classes start at 6 pm and run to 7:30 pm for all ages!
Hope to see you there!
Come join us on Wednesday for our C3 Wednesday night activities!
Food starts at 5 pm and classes start at 6 pm and run to 7:30 pm for all ages!
Hope to see you there!
It’s time for some food and fellowship!
After the morning worship service on Sunday, September 22, C3 has a church potluck. Ham and drinks will be provided, and you can bring along a side dish or a dessert to share with everyone.
See you at the potluck!
A new sermon series starts on Sunday morning, September 8th, called Witness Jesus! Come see what it’s all about!
On Sept 4th, we'll resume our LifeGroups and Amped (youth) ministries. Most of our groups meet on Wednesday evenings at church. We have dinner available from 5-6 PM before groups gather in the classrooms. If you need help connecting with a group, or if you're interested in helping start a new one, be sure to reach out to us.
Come worship with us this Sunday, September 1st at C3! Arrive early and enjoy some breakfast snacks and drinks before the service, and then stay for music, preaching, and more!
Service begins at 10 am. Hope to see you at C3.
Join us in person or online for our Sunday morning worship service at 10 am. Hope to see you there!
Pastor Robert will be preaching this Sunday, so come hear the Word and worship with the worship team.
See you Sunday!